You Must Use Blood Collection Tube Additives Correctly
Potential cross-contamination of additives between primary blood collection tubes is a common problem during sample collection, and contaminated additives have a significant impact on blood test results.
Citrate blood contamination with varying amounts of dipotassium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (K2 EDTA blood) had significant effects on activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin time (PT) and fibrinogen.Fifteen samples containing healthy blood were collected into 0.109m vessels witch 4pcs with citrate and 1 pc with K2 EDTA. Combine four citrate tubes and divide into five equal portions. Then add whole blood sample with K2 EDTA in scalar amounts to autologous citrated blood aliquots to obtain 0% to 43% polluted K2 EDTA .Resulting statistically and clinically significant with prolongation of APTT and PT was observed between 29% and 43% K2 EDTA contamination,while fibrinogen values reduced at 43% K2 EDTA contamination.It indicates that contamination of citrated blood with up to 29% of K2 EDTA blood can cause significant bias in routine coagulation test results.This has serious implications for patient safety and management.
Contamination of serum or lithium heparin blood with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) salts may affect the accuracy of some key analytes and compromise patient safety.Combined 15 tubes containing lithium heparin and one tube of K2 EDTA and divided into 5 equal aliquots.Then add the whole blood from the K2EDTA tube in scalar amounts to the autologous heparinized aliquots to obtain varying degrees of contaminated K2 EDTA blood volume ( 0%; 5%; 13%; 29%; 43%). The following clinical chemistry parameters were then measured in centrifuged aliquots: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), bilirubin (total), calcium, chloride, creatinine, iron, lactate dehydrogenase (LD), lipase , magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium.
Results show significant decreased in calcium, chloride, iron, LD, magnesium and increased potassium starting with 5% K2 EDTA contamination.Phosphate increased after 13% K2EDTA contamination while sodium increased after 29%. Values for ALT, bilirubin, creatinine and lipase remained unchanged until K2 EDTA contamination reached 43%.Compared changes to ideal quality specification,deviation were significant for calcium, chloride, LD, magnesium, potassium from 5% K2 EDTA contamination,and sodium, phosphate,iron from 29% K2 EDTA contamination. Concentrations of calcium, magnesium, potassium, chloride, and LD appear to be big biased even with 5% K2 EDTA contamination . Iron, phosphate, and sodium values remained reliable up to 29% K2EDTA contamination, while ALT, bilirubin, creatinine, and lipase appeared to be less susceptible to K2 EDTA contamination overall.
Therefore, when saving blood collection tube additives, it is necessary to form a complete quality system according to the requirements of the corresponding product standards of the additives. In order to ensure that the additives can be used safely and effectively,the product’s MSDS should be prepared according to the requirements of GB/T16483.Material tolerance should be confirmed based on GB18280,then cobalt 60 irradiation sterilization followed.The blood collection tube additives produced by Desheng are produced and stored in strict accordance with the requirements of Pharmacopoeia and MSDS. Welcome to consult